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Literaturreferenzen zu Studien belegen:

Alparslan, Ö. et al. 2017. The effect of clown model implemented in hospital on the anxiety and depression level of ill children and their mothers. Arts and Health 10/2. 

Auerbach, S. et al., 2016. Positive emotions elicited by clowns and nurses: An experimental study in a hospital setting. Translational Issues in Psychological Science 2/1. 

Ben-Pazi, H. et al. 2017. Clown care reduces pain in children with cerebral palsy undergoing recurrent botulinum toxin injections- A quasi randomized controlled crossover study. PLoS One 12/4.

Berk, R. 2011. The active ingredients in humor: psychophysiological benefits and risks for older adults. Educational Gerontology 27/3-4. Blain, S. et al. 2012. Determining the effects of therapeutic clowning on nurses in a children's rehabilitation hospital. Arts and Health 2010.

Bertini, M. 2011. Clowns benefit Children hospitalized for Respiratory Pathologies. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Dionigi, A. et al. 2014. Clown intervention to reduce preoperative anxiety in children and parents: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Health Psychology 19/3.

Dunbar, R. et al. 2011. Social laughter is correlated with an elevated pain threshold. Proceedings of the Royal Socienty B 279.

Fry, W. 1992. The physiologic effects of humor, mirth, and laughter. JAMA 267/13.

Kocherov, S. 2016. Medical clowns reduce pre-operative anxiety, post-operative pain and medical costs in children undergoing outpatient penile surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health 52/9.

Martin, R. 2007. Psychology of humor. An integrative approach. Elsevier Inc. All.

Mora-Ripoll, R. 2010. The Therapeutic value of laughter in medicine. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 2010 16/6.

Mortamet, G. et al. 2017. Parental perceptions of clown care in paediatric intensive care units. Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health 53/5.   

Pinquart, M. et al., 2011. Do clown visits improve psychological and sense of physical well-being of hospitalized pediatric patients? A randomized-controlled trial. Klinische Pädiatrie 223/2.

Sittenthaler, S. 2013. Auswirkungen von "Clowns" im Klinikalltag. Eine Evaluationsstudie der ClownDoctors im Salzburger Landeskrankenhaus (LKH). Psychologie in Österreich 3-4.

Tugade, M. et al. 2007. Regulation of positive emotions: Emotion regulation strategies that promote resilience. Journal of Happiness Studies 8. 

Vagnoli, L. et al. 2005. Clown doctors as a treatment for preoperative anxiety in children: a randomized, prospective study. Pediatrics 116/4.

Viaggiano, M. et al. 2015. Impact of Psychological Interventions on Reducing Anxiety, Fear and the Need for Sedation in Children Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Pediatric Reports 7.

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